With a total land mass of 2,300,000 square miles, the Amazon Rain forest extends over the entire drainage basis of the Amazon river. The rain forest is such a large mass that it reaches through various South American countries, though mainly in Brazil. The Amazon river is such a powerful river that it take the previous 7 smaller rivers around the world to equal its output; though second longest in the world. The Amazon River is 4,000 miles long and is so powerful with a total discharge of 209,000 cubic meters per second.


This Rainforest has so much variety in life species that it contains: 1,300 birds, 427 mammals, 40,000 plant varieties, 400 amphibians and more. Throughout the variety of species, statistically the percentage comes out to about 10% of the known species of the world existing in one place. With such a large land mass, this forest is mysterious and a about 1,500 new species are discovered each year. With so many strange creatures in one place, the Amazon river is a fascinating and dangerous place. The most dangerous animals would be the following: Piranha, Anaconda, Electric eel, Poison dart frog, pit viper, bull shark, black caiman, and Jaguars. Each year tourist flock to see these dangerous animals by taking cruises throughout the Amazon river so they can view them safely and effectively.


Tourism in the region brings an average of 700 million travelers internationally each year. There are two types of travelers from rainforestcruises.com/, those that come and stay at resorts and those that venture a little deeper to smaller cities and purchase goods from locals further in isolated areas One way to get the best of everything is to take an Amazon river cruise and travel the lengths of the river.


The Amazon river extends so far that you have different options of which cruise to take and explore certain areas of the amazon. A popular spot is based on a reserve in Peru that encompasses three river basins and plenty to see. Tourist have many options for cruises that range in price from $2,000-$6,000 each person and generally run from 8-10 days along different parts of the Amazon. Depending on the price and distance, boats can be small with a 32 person capacity and up to cruises with a 450 person capacity.


 Amazon river cruise show the beautiful living things and flourishing forms of plant life that one can only dream of, therefore; it is necessary to see experience one! This experience of being around thousands of species of animals in one place and exotic plant life will truly be a memory of a lifetime.